Wednesday, January 18, 2012

SOPA Copyrights and Hollywood

SOPA EVERYWHERE!!  The horror!

What is there to really say about sopa that hasn't already been said before?  I am a supporter of Copyright (sort of) and there is no doubt in my mind that the current Copyright system is in need of revision.  However, the current sopa bill is not the way to go about this.  The main companies that support this bill are still standing by this bill because they (Hollywood and other Entertainment companies) have seen a significant decrease in sales.  I was always raised with the saying "If you can't afford it, don't do it."  which I think Hollywood should seriously consider.  They are always bragging about how much they spent on a movie as if the production costs will automatically justify a good movie experience.  Not to mention the small fortune it costs to even see the movie, let alone if you want something to snack on.

Hollywood is set in stone.  Everything has moved on.  But yet, Hollywood has refused to evolve and change with the times.  The internet, Hollywood's biggest enemy, could very easily be it's best friend.  Take iTunes and Netflix for example.  Without the internet, iTunes wouldn't exist, and Netflix would have more than likely been cast aside for something that did utilize the internet.

Ah I could sure go on and on about this topic, but I think I'll save that for another time.

Closing thoughts, I do not support the act of piracy.  But it sure would be nice to know if what your paying for is in fact worth the small fortune it costs.

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